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About SEO

When operating Click to Buy, the important thing is to expose the website to online car buyers in a stable manner and to provide the inflow path.
For this purpose, applying the SEO technology as described below is recommended when developing Click to Buy.
Buyers are assumed to be using Google as their search engine.

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), or web standard optimization, is a task of making contents on the Click to Buy website easily understandable.
Through SEO, actions can be taken to prevent the website contents from being omitted in the search results, and the contents desired by the user can be clearly notified to the search engine.

Setting Header Tags for the SEO of Click to Buy

Using the Title Tag

Use the <title> tag in the <head> tag of the HTML document.
The <html> tag informs both the user and search engine of the topic of a particular page. The <title> tag should be placed within the <head> element of the HTML document.
In addition, it is ideal to give a unique title to each website page. The content of the title tag is reflected on the search result.

The title of the first page on the website can include information on several major fields, besides the site name and brand name.
The following keywords should be set in the site header.
Hyundai, Buy Hyundai, Hyundai Online Purchase, Hyundai Online shop, Hyundai Cars, Sedans, SUVs, Compacts, Luxury Hyundai, etc.

Setting Code

	<title>Hyundai Cars, Sedans, SUVs, Compacts, and Luxury | Hyundai</title>
	<meta name="description" content="Official site for Hyundai Motor America. Explore our new models, features, offers, MPG, and find dealer information all at"> 

!Recommendations for the Title Tag

  • Select a title that effectively implies the topic of the page content.
  • Create a unique title tag for each page.
  • Expose a concise title.

Using Description Meta Tags

Use the <meta> tag in the <head> tag of the HTML document.
If a description meta tag is used on a page, the summary of the page content is provided to Google and other search engines. Like the <title> tag, the description meta tag should also be placed within the <head> element of the HTML document.

Only a few words or phrases are used in the title tag, but one or two sentences or short paragraphs can be used in the description meta tag.
Content preview is displayed below the page title and URL in the search result. The description meta tag displayed in the search result needs to contain the information for users to decide whether the page in question is useful and relevant to them.

The description meta tag on the first page of the website needs to utilize the brand phrase that can indicate the nature of the website.
Official site for Hyundai Motor America. Explore our new models, features, offers, MPG and find dealer information all at

Setting Code

	<title>Hyundai Cars, Sedans, SUVs, Compacts, and Luxury | Hyundai</title>
	<meta name="description" content="Official site for Hyundai Motor America. Explore our new models, features, offers, MPG, and find dealer information all at"> 

!Recommendations for the Description Meta Tag

  • Provide the content of the page by accurately summarizing it.
  • Use a unique description that fits each page.
  • Refrain from using repetitive keyword, spam keyword, or keyword unrelated to the website.

Using Open Graph Meta Tags

Use the <meta> tag in the <head> tag of the HTML document.
The open graph meta tag is information that is used first when the website is shared on social media. Including the title, description, and images representing the site as well is recommended.
Users' visit to the web page can be increased by providing information on the contents to be shared on social media, besides search engines.

It is recommended that the Description Metatag on the first page of the site uses a brand statement that can express the nature of the site.
Official site for Hyundai Motor America. Explore our new models, features, offers, MPG, and find dealer information all at

Setting Code

<meta property="og:type" content="website">
<meta property="og:title" content="페이지 제목">
<meta property="og:description" content="페이지 설명">
<meta property="og:image" content=""> 
<meta property="og:url" content="">

Helpful Technical Documents Related to SEO

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