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About Click to Buy

Click to buy is Hyundai’s future retail platform that provides a new and convenient way of purchase vehicle online.

Depending on the sales environment and readiness of the country where the service is introduced, you can selectively configure the purchasing process from simple reservations to proceeding all processes online.

Service Concept

The following is the core concept of Click to Buy that you should remember when developing Click to Buy services and customizing it for your sales environment.

  • Easy Steps

    Simply compare models, configure your dream car, sort out your finance and even online payment.

  • Contactless

    Offers an online buying experience without visiting the showroom.
    Worried about not having the help of the salesperson? Do not worry. A designated online sales consultant assists you via phone, email, text or messenger.

  • Anywhere, Anytime

    Don’t have time to visit the showroom?
    Click to Buy is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you can easily make purchases while lying in your bed with your mobile phone.

Two Main Business Models

Click to Buy ultimately aims for a service that supports 100% non-face-to-face purchase/sell, and we call it E2E(End to End) model. This is, however, not an absolute requirement, and environmental variables need to be considered such as practices of consumers and sellers of the country to decide most suitable business model. That’s why we also present an O2O (Online to Offline) model that considers the conventional practice of purchase that require physical contacts between offline dealer and customer.

E2E model

The model is composed of the purchase/sales process aiming for 100% non-face-to-face sales.
The entire process is provided online, ranging from vehicle build and pricing to quotation discussion with the dealer, financing, and balance payment.

  1. Build & Price
  2. Booking
  3. Financing
  4. Order
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O2O model

This model provides some processes online, such as the quotation request or Booking payment after vehicle build and pricing. The rest of purchase journey will takes place offline.

  1. Build & Price
  2. Booking
  3. Financing
  4. Order
Offline Processing
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