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Guide to Each Step

You need to understand each CTB steps are as follows.

  1. step 01Build a Car
  2. step 02Purchase Condition
  3. step 03Booking and Quotation
  4. step 04Financing Option
  5. step 05Upload Documents
  6. step 06Contract and Balance Payment
  7. step 07Hand Over
  • Build a Car

    In this process, the vehicle to be purchased is built and priced. This process is common to two types: online purchase and online booking.(However, configuring the online booking type simply by reducing the number of selectable items is recommended.)

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  • Purchase Condition

    In this process, the selection in step 1 is reviewed, and the price is calculated in detail by setting the vehicle purchase method and conditions such as the delivery method, warranty period, and trade-in sales.
    This process is mandatory for online purchase but is not recommended for the online booking type as a standard procedure.

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  • Booking and Quotation

    In this process, a quotation is requested to the dealer, and the proposed quote is selected. Depending on the region, the buyer may make a certain amount of booking payment before requesting a quote or pay the reservation fee for order processing after deciding to purchase based on the quote. If the process to build is an "online booking" type, booking is the last step. The following steps such as quotation are conducted offline by contacting the dealer:

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  • Financing Option

    This step is the beginning of the steps applicable to "online purchase" only. Most vehicle buyers need to apply for financing. Therefore, the financing step is started when the buyer places an order based on the dealer's offer. If the buyer does not need to apply for financing, this step is skipped.

    Click to Buy do not provide actual financial application services. Online finance is provided through partnerships with financial companies, and Click to Buy provides the role of handing over to the financial company's application system(website) and processing the results.

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  • Upload Document

    Both buyer and seller need various documents to complete the transaction. This step informs the process of uploading documents through Click to Buy.

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  • Contract and Balance Payment

    When all documents are ready, the buyer reviews the contract and pays the balance. This step is the final step of the order. If payment has been made successfully, the buyer is informed of the remaining matters to do. All the matters that should be carried out by the buyer through Click to Buy are finished at this step. All that remains is to pick up the vehicle.

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  • Hand Over

    When the dealer confirms the completion of vehicle delivery, this step is updated.(The buyer does not need to take any action.) Then, the information of confirming the completion of all transactions is displayed.

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