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A series of procedures for confirming a quote for a vehicle configured at the "Build & Price" step or a vehicle selected from inventory and placing an order.

1. Booking & Quotation

The buyer requests the dealer to make an offer and decides whether the order will be processed after receiving the offer.

Confirm Booking Send Offers
  • Click on the active icon to see the start screen for that step.(Opens on a new window)
  • "Booking payment" can be placed after quotation completion depending on the situation of the sales area. For a reference. Please Click Here

2. Financing Option

The buyer applies for financing and checks the result.

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Review Loan Request
  • Click on the active icon to see the start screen for that step.(Opens on a new window)
  • The contents of the loan application form may vary by the affiliated financial institution (bank) in each sales area.
  • Click to Buy do not provide actual financial application services. Online finance is provided through partnerships with financial companies, and Click to Buy provides the role of handing over to the financial company's application system(website) and processing the results.

3. Upload Documents

The buyer uploads and submits the documents that should be attached to the contract or which are necessary to take over the vehicle.

  • Click on the active icon to see the start screen for that step. (Opens on a new window)
  • The documents to be uploaded may differ according to the conditions defined by each sales area.(e.g., car insurance card, loan approval details, employment certificate)

4. Contract and Balance Payment

The buyer checks the contract and pays the balance.

PG Service
Confirm Payment Result
Confirm Balance Payment Proceed to Delivery Step
  • Click on the active icon to see the start screen for that step.(Opens on a new window)
  • If the contract is signed before making booking payment ('Booking After Quotation'of the E2E process mode), the contract screen may not be configured in the step.

5. Hand Over

The vehicle has been delivered to the buyer. All purchasing procedures are finished.

Delivery Complete Update Order State
Check Order State 'Hand Over'
  • Click on the active icon to see the start screen for that step.(Opens on a new window)